PMDD/PMS Support!

Hi, all! I have started a new support forum for women who struggle with PMDD/severe PMS and it’s called Premenstrual Madness.” For years, I’ve suffered from PMS that leaves me feeling depressed, angry, insecure and even suicidal. Yep, every freakin’ month! While I know I’m not alone, I often feel that way and long to talk to other women who go absolutely insane before their period. So if you or someone you know suffers from severe PMS, or even if it’s not severe and you just want to be around women who aren’t going to judge you for biting off the cashier’s head when you go to buy large amounts of candy and alcohol, come on over to:

Bring your comfiest clothes, hot water bottles, favorite movies and whatever else you need to cope! Vent, ask questions, share horror stories, hilarious stories or made-up stories and know you’re among friends! Hope to see you there!

a rain and a gale (aka red85)

P.S. Please share!

“If you get to define yourself by the sports team you root for, I get to define myself as a woman”

Trans woman, Katelyn Burns published an article entitled Hi, I’m a Woman on Medium. In the article, Burns attempts to explain how she knows she is a woman.

Today is International Women’s Day and I happen to have it off from work. As I often do on my days off, I am thinking of my gender… again. I often get asked the question “How do you know you’re actually a woman?” Most of the time, it’s a question designed to elicit an answer that the questioner can respond to derisively. If I say that I feel more comfortable in a skirt, oftentimes the other person will tell me that skirts are a social construct or that men can wear skirts and still be men. “Haven’t you heard of a kilt?” they may ask. Why yes I have, actually, I’ve seen Braveheart. It’s not lost on me that it seems like only trans women are asked to justify their womanhood to anyone.

Really? A skirt? Okay. Never mind. Please continue.

I recently asked my kindergartner how she knew she was actually a girl. Her answers ranged from “Because that’s what everyone calls me” to “Because I like pink” or even “Because I like to wear dresses.” I wonder if a “gender critical” feminist would try to dox or harass her for those answers like they have so many out trans women I know. My guess is that most cis women have never had to justify their womanhood to anyone. I wonder what that’s like, I wonder if I will ever get to that point for myself. I doubt it vigorously. That’s a privilege that I will simply never have.

Okay…so….dresses, still. Next?

“Getting to my answer on the question of my own womanhood has not been an easy journey. Growing up, I remember being confused as to how boys and girls were separated from each other. What made us different? All I knew was that everyone called me a boy and expected me to be a boy. No one ever stopped to ask how I felt about that categorization. I was the kid who stayed in the middle for an uncomfortably long period of time when the teacher asked the boys to go to one side of the room and the girls to the other. I grew up with an older brother and he looked just like me in every way and they also called him a boy, but how come I didn’t feel like that fit me? It wasn’t until I was a little older and saw a cis female friend or a cousin naked (in a bathtub with me) that I realized that my gender problems were much more serious and permanent than I imagined.”

NOT getting to the answer but go ahead…

“I was an athletic kid and did my damnedest to immerse myself in masculinity. I played multiple competitive sports from the time I was 6 years old all the way to my freshman year in college.”

Okay, so, she didn’t feel masculine–got it.

“My point is, I really really tried at masculinity. It’s just not for me. I am a woman, whether you or I like it or not.”

Wait, what? Not being masculine = woman? How did we get here?

So what makes me think I’m a woman? I know why others may think I’m a woman or not but at the end of the day, their opinions on my gender don’t matter, I have the right to define myself. If you can describe yourself by your job or your parental status, or the sports team you root for then I’m certainly allowed to define myself by however I deem fit. For me though, it’s an overwhelming sense of otherness in my male role, in male spaces. A defining time for me came when I got a new job as the only male presenting person on staff. Customers would often say things like “Hey ladies!” or “Bye ladies!” as they were coming or going and it never seemed to bother me. I found myself naturally engaging in girl-talk with my coworkers and never noticed when my speaking cadence harmonized with theirs, just women chatting. Sometimes I would say something that no man would ever say. I’d do this without thinking, breaking through my mansuit costume. The other ladies would stop and look at me strangely, giving me funny looks, drawing my defenses and shame back to the forefront of my mind. It’s no wonder that when I recently came out to one of those coworkers, and I asked whether my news was a surprise to her, her exact answer was “Hahah no.”

So far: Woman = skirts, “girl talk,” not being masculine and it’s kind of like defining oneself by one’s favorite sports team??? Heh heh heh…okay, jokes over, I’m done!

Oh! Apparently, so was she. This is the last paragraph!

So there it is, I am a woman. I’ve tried to pretend otherwise for decades. I’ve done everything I can think of to avoid it, to distract myself from my hidden truth. It’s taken me awhile to get here but I can proudly say that I am a woman, and always have been. Sorry it took me so long to get here. Happy International Women’s Day, my first of many. Have a great day everyone.

Voila! *crickets*



I can’t even….

Being a Woman is a Lifestyle Choice?

In a Medium article about the gender problem in freelance writing, author Linsey Grosfield cites observations made by Guardian writer Lou Henirich in which he refers to women’s news sections as “pink ghettoes.” While his analysis was pretty on-point, I found it ironic that on the Guardian’s website, Women is a subsection of Life and Style–sandwiched right between Family and Home & Garden.


Yes, apparently being a woman is a lifestyle decision about as sacred as deciding which all-natural pesticide to use in your vegetable garden. But this sentiment has a kernel of truth in it. When being a woman is nothing more than a “feeling” you really can lump it in with the season’s latest fashion trends.

Male…or….Female?…..Decisions, decisions….

If we reduce gender to a decision like which outfit to wear, what are we saying about what it mean’s to be a woman? Like the video highlighted in purplesagefem’s post, gender is no more a choice than ethnicity or age. You can feel like you’re 7 years old all you want, but it’s gonna raise a few eyebrows when you try to invite your fellow seven-year-olds over for a play-date.


So sure, you can choose to be a woman just like you can play with other children if you feel like a child just like you can be white if you feel white. No, we don’t need to judge people but it’s healthy to question the validity of one’s chosen “identity;” further, it’s absolutely necessary to question that person’s motives and what, if anything, they might be getting out of it.

Suicide and Sexism

I had a revelation the other night while watching the movie If I Were You. Marcia Gay Harden’s character discovers her husband has been having an affair only days before her mother dies. These losses compounded lead her to contemplate suicide. Her plan is thwarted when her theater troupe comes to her home and remind her of how essential she is to the success of their upcoming play. I won’t spoil it for you by telling you the ending but these were my thoughts when I saw this: “She won’t kill herself because she’ll disappoint too may people!”



This led me to think about the difference in the suicide rate between men and women. To my current knowledge, men outnumber women on completed attempts. MRA-types like to cite this statistic when arguing men’s oppression. But it makes perfect sense! Women tend to carry immense responsibility in their lives. Not only are they responsible for themselves and how the world perceives them, but oftentimes, they carry responsibility for the behavior and feelings of others. The long-suffering housewife is a stereotype based on some truth.


Women regularly neglect their needs for the needs of others; using up their sick days at work to fulfill parenting obligations and working through illness to satisfy people at work. Harden’s character in If I Were You is no exception–she juggles her marriage, caring for her ailing mother and a demanding job all while dealing with betrayal and loss. The one thing she decides to do completely for herself is thwarted by her sense of duty to her theater troupe. I don’t doubt many women stop short of suicide due to a sense of obligation and guilt over not fulfilling their responsibility. While I don’t believe in any one factor MOST affecting the likelihood someone will complete a suicide attempt, sexism is definitely significant.
